Molly Mandelberg

Licensed Psilocybin Facilitator

After nearly a decade of supporting healers and leaders to grow their service-based businesses through coaching, Hypnosis, and NLP, I have found that at the root of almost every transformative moment is a new awareness, a higher perspective, and then a shift in one’s energy.

About Molly Mandelberg

While so much can be looked at and re-organized about our conscious choices and subconscious patterning, there are often deeper layers that are more challenging to access or acknowledge without support. Those deeper layers, more easily accessed through altered states of consciousness, hold the key to unlocking what has been keeping us from thriving.
Time and again, I have seen my life change through spiritual experiences, psychedelic ceremonies, and hard-won habit shifting. I understand the courage it takes to look at the pain, unpack past traumas, and shift the narratives surrounding them. I know that we don’t arrive at this work by accident, but rather by a gentle nudge from a deeper part of ourselves that’s asking to be set free.

Facilitating Your Journey

I strive to bring a kind, comforting, make-everything-right energy to the table and encourage my clients to co-create the ideal-for-them set and setting to reach their highest possible timeline, before, during, and beyond their facilitation session(s).