Psilocybin therapy refers to the use of psilocybin, a naturally occurring psychedelic compound, in a therapeutic setting. This treatment offers significant potential for:
Clinical studies and trials continue to show the benefits and safety of psilocybin therapy.
Recent studies show that psilocybin therapy can reduce symptoms of depression by 80% in just four weeks
Clinical trials have demonstrated a significant reduction in anxiety symptoms for 76% of participants following psilocybin treatment.
At a 14-month follow-up, 95% of the study participants ranked the experience as among the top five most meaningful experiences of their lives.
*Statistics from Clinical Research
For many who have experienced the benefits of therapeutic psilocybin, they have reported an increase in an overall sense of wellness, increased focus and clarity, connection to others, and an increased connection with their own selves.
The use of psilocybin has shown to have positive effects on a number of mental and emotional conditions including those experiencing anxiety and depression, the chronically ill, addiction, smoking cessation, and more.
Discover how psilocybin therapy can help you overcome depression and anxiety.
Book a free exploration call to learn more about our personalized treatment plans.
We have supported over 450 clients with psilocybin therapy sessions
Licensed and Richly Experienced Psilocybin Facilitators
Specializing in psilocybin treatment for depression and anxiety, addiction, trauma response, self-actualization, and more
Safe, Legal, and Regulated environment with a private outdoor garden
Our quiet and relaxing facility embraces the beauty of nature. Every room has a window looking into our beautiful plant-filled atrium. A rock fountain provides the sounds of splashing water to accompany you as you breathe in the fresh Oregon air.
Each room is filled with the colors of nature and offer several furniture options to choose from to provide comfort as you ease into your session.
Our center is a place of calm and reflection, focused on providing the perfect setting to support your psilocybin experience.
Safe, Legal, and Regulated environment with a private outdoor garden.
You will be settled into a private room and guided on your journey by your chosen facilitator. Blankets, tea service, and other comforts will help you to feel relaxed and at home.
We provide a free consultation to answer your questions and explain the steps involved in the process.
We can discuss your unique goals, timing, and next steps.
There is no obligation to participate in services.
Further discounted rates including a limited number of pro bono sessions are available through our Social Equity plans- certain conditions apply.
A customized experience with your selected Facilitator designed to support your best outcome
A customized experience with your selected Facilitator designed to support your best outcome
Through discussion, education, and evaluation we help to prepare you for your psilocybin experience. In addition to completion of state required paperwork, you will gain knowledge and mental readiness that will help you to set intentions and expectations for the most successful outcome.
The dosage amount of psilocybin will be determined, and the duration of the experience will be explained. You will discover how to set intentions and prepare for your administration session.
Prior to your session you will review goals and techniques with your facilitator, then relax into your journey. They will be with you for the duration of your session, tending to your comfort and providing support. Oregon state guidelines require participants to be at the service center facility under the supervision of the facilitator for specific amounts of time depending on the dose of psilocybin ingested. Rooms are designed to provide a quiet and safe atmosphere that resemble a comfortable living room.
This is an important step in helping you to process and make meaning out of your psilocybin experience, and to begin to integrate these insights into your daily life. Omnia Group Ashland offers ongoing integration opportunities through additional sessions with facilitators and group experiences in which you can share your insights and listen to the experiences of others.
Integration refers to a multi-layered process of continuous learning and growth after your psychedelic journey.
We provide a free consultation to answer your questions and explain the steps involved in the process.
We can discuss your unique goals, timing, and next steps.
There is no obligation to participate in services.